No, you do not need to. You can order directly on our website without registering. If you change computers later, you will not see the first order information. If you prefer, you can also choose to register on our website.
Thank you for placing an order with us.
You will receive a confirmation email after placing your order.
Once your order is shipped, you will receive a confirmation email with tracking instructions. If your order is being fulfilled from two locations, the orders will be shipped separately.
We kindly ask for payment at the time you place your order, regardless of the payment method you choose. In the unfortunate event that your order is canceled, don’t worry! You will automatically receive a refund, ensuring that you get your money back immediately.
Yes. If you did not place an order, you can remove items from your cart. However, once you have placed an order, you cannot remove any items from your order.
If you have not yet paid for your order, you can modify and reorder.
If you have completed payment for your order, you can cancel or modify within 24 hours for any reason. If it has been more than 24 hours, please submit a request to our customer service department for assistance.